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do essential oils work for mosquito control

What Smells do Mosquitoes Hate?

What smells do mosquitoes hate? Learning natural and innovative ways to repel mosquitoes can be frustrating or satisfying, depending on how well the methods work. Because essential oils cannot be tested as a pesticide, it is unclear of their true efficacy, however some EO enthusiasts still claim they work to repel mosquitoes and ticks.

mosquito faqs

Mosquito Facts and FAQs

Important Facts About Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are the least favorite insect in the world, responsible for millions of deaths every year globally. In fact, nearly 700 million people contract mosquito-borne illnesses each year, causing more than one million deaths. Common types of mosquito-borne diseases include malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, Read more…